Yet more medals come up for auction!
And Imperial Service Medal, awarded posthumously to W M Murch for services to postal system, various military cap badges, assorted coins,...

Matthew Murch Silver Pocket Watch to Auction.
This marvelous silver watch is due to go to auction on the 28th August in Germany. Pocket watch, Matthew Murch, Honiton (England), around...

Matthew Murch Pocket Watch to Auction - Germany
This marvelous little silver gem is about to come up for auction in Germany on the 28th August. Pocket watch, Matthew Murch, Honiton...

Jerum Murch Clock Going to Auction
This grand old man is about to go under the hammer. The lovely longcase clock, with a 27cm brass dial is signed Jerum Murch, Honiton. ...

Truly Fantastic Murch Craftsmanship
We have seen some beautiful Murch items come up for auction this year and this is up there at the top of my wish list. Coming up for...

This must be on your bucket list!
Coming up for auction in Ireland on the 4th of July is a Murch bucket, made in Glastonbury. Who would have thought that a bucket could...

The Murch DNA Research Project
In the last few years DNA research and testing has become commonplace with Ancestry and various other research sites offering DNA tests...

Rarest Murch Item Goes to Auction!
A rare Exeter George Ist tapering chocolate pot with hinged top and crested side is coming up for auction at Whittons Auctioneers on...

Jersusalem Surrenders to Private Murch!
In 1917 a momentous occasion was delayed by a Private Murch who in great style declared “I don’t want Jerusalem!” General Edmund Allenby,...

Murch Medal Going to Auction
Another important Murch medal comes up for auction shortly with Dix Noonan Webb auctioneers of London. The auction takes place on the...