Murch Family Worldwide
Murch Books
Song of Salcombe
Virginia Murch
This is the story of Salcombe through the eyes of the Murch family, born and bred in the town for generations, and destined to change its face forever:
James who was to become the town's largest employer constructing most of the buildings around the Estuary, and Frank - Lt. Cmdr. Francis Murch RNVR - who assumed responsibility for Salcombe's safety in the dark days of the American build up to D Day in 1944.
This is a fantastic window into the world of the Murch family. The struggle to survive and avoid the workhouse, the ships that carried our ancestors to the far reaches of the world, and the successful battle to raise strong, adventurous, successful sons. Even if this isn't your branch of the family it is a fabulous read. To order a copy please go to the Song of Salcombe website or you can order from Amazon.
The Weymouths of Salcombe Haven
Virginia Murch
Closely associated with the Murch family, the Weymouth family were related to two American presidents, and included adventurer, George Weymouth, one of Queen Elizabeth's beloved Devon Sea Dogs, who sailed in search of the fabled North West Passage; Alex Weymouth, who at 15 stood with the Cavaliers during the siege of Fort Charles in Englands Civil War; Thomas Weymouth, granted Letters of Marque for legalised piracy who narrowly avoided the hangman's rope; Catain Richard Weymouth, translator of the Holy Bible for the British Navy and Elizabeth Weymouth, who, after the death of her mother dedicated her life to bringing up her twelve brothers to make their mark in the world.

Available on Dancing Seagull website and Amazon at £12.99

Available on Amazon £8.77 in the UK

Marilyn W Murch
Peppermint is a little barn cat rescued by an old man who takes care of stray cats.
The little cat joins a large group of cats in a barn and they all become friends. One day a boy named Kenny arrives with his mum looking for a new pet kitten. Kenny picks the little cat and calls him Peppermint.
At first Peppermint is frightened by being carried to his new home in a basket and a big blue car, but soon settles in to his new home. Kenny and Peppermint are soon best friends and the little cat realises he had found a cosy new home and lovely new family who love him. Things are not so scary after all.
Marilyn Murch uses her unique artistic talents to bring to life Kenny and Peppermint. She is an artist with a unique style and a prolific writer.
Marilyn W Murch
Jetjak is a little sugar glider that is about to get a new home when a boy comes into the pet store. He chose him to be his new pet. Jetjak was nervous and scared would his home be good or bad. Would he ever be happy again without his other sugar glider friends? Find out in this adventure story about this little nocturnal animal.
Marilyn is currently working on new books to follow in the series.
The Murch Collection of Egyptian Antiquities
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York (Creator), N.Y.).
Murch Collection of Egyptian Art
Arthur Cruttenden Mace
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.
This book documents the items in the Murch collection mentioned on the Politicians and Churchmen Page. The book is available on Amazon at £9.76

From Water to War
A Murch Family History
Dana P. Murch
Dana Murch has been studying the family genealogy for some years in order to produce this personal history of the Maine Murch's.
Walter Murch married Jerusha Brown, a descendant of Jamestown colonist, and later Mayflower passenger, Stephen Hopkins. Jerusha was also a descendant of the Southworth family of Samlesbury, Lancashire, and her ancestry can be traced back to King Edward I "Longshanks" through two of his daughters, Joan of Acre (born in the city of Acre in Palestine while her parents were on the last crusade), and Elizabeth Plantagenet. Walter Murch may have descended from a British line of Murch's but this has not been confirmed. However, this will no doubt spur on descendants of the line to further investigate.
Dana is a 10th generation Murch in the Murch line of Maine.Self-published, the book comes with a full-color CD that contains various appendices, including over 400 related family charts.
Also available is a CD titled "Royal Descents of the Murch Family."
The U.S price of this book is $25.00 and in the U.K approximately£20. Postage is extra. for details of how to purchase the book from Dana P. Murch please send me an email and I will pass on contact details. The CD is also available direct from Dana.
A Life of Hell
Roy Murch
A Life of Hell is a true story of my life. I am a Vietnam veteran who’s trying to conquer the demons that have haunted me for over forty-six years. Now I’m able to write about it. This has been therapy for me, and now, the nightmares have stopped.
Excerpts from Roys book:
I spotted a booby trap. The wire was so thin I almost missed it. I carefully ensured everyone safely crossed. When we were at a safe distance, I pulled the wire with a nearby branch. I wanted to show them what could happen if they're not alert. A large hole appeared with sharpened bamboos pointing up from the bottom.
As we approached Laos, I called my unit to confirm the coordinates of the enemy camp. The reply I got was to disengage any further action. The camp was beyond our fifteen mile limit. I was warned that no air support could be granted beyond this agreed limit. I was sure the camp had POW's, but to proceed could mean facing court-martial. Damn it. We camped until I decided what I wanted to do. It was a hard decision. I could lose my men's lives on a hunch.
It was time to use our bayonets for a quiet kill.

A Life of Hell is published in the U.S by Christian Faith Publishing priced at $17.95. Also available on Amazon worldwide.
Roy's story is an unusual one telling the story of his experience of war and how it directly affected his life and personal relationships.

The Conversations
Walter Murch & the Art of Editing Film
Michael Ondaatje
One of the most recognised Murch's, this book is a joy to read if you have any interest in film. As shown by reviews on Amazon:
An excellent collection of transcripted interview / conversations between novelist Ondaatje and editor/sound designer Walter Murch. Murch provides great insight into his specialist fields of film making and discusses all his major work, from editing The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, The Conversation etc through to directing Return To Oz and recent work on The English Patient. It's not all technical however and there are frequent, and equally interesting, digressions into cinema and the arts in general. Fantastic!
Sandbag Training
For MMA & Combat Sports
Matthew Palfrey & Wesley 'The Immortal' Murch
Sandbag Training For MMA & Combat Sports is the indispensable guide for anyone who wants to improve their strength and conditioning for combat. You'll learn:
Why sandbag training is perfect for MMA & Combat Sport Athletes
How to construct your own sandbag
How to master over 60 of the most effective sandbag training exercises for MMA & Combat Sports.
This book is ideal for anyone who wants to:
Build devastating strength and conditioning
Dominate their opponents in training and competition
Develop a practical, effective and straight-forward fitness programme for MMA or any Combat Sport/Martial Art
The book comes complete with a range of 'follow along' training programmes that will get you in the best shape of your life.

Living for the City
Donna Jean Murch
This title presents Black Power politics on the campus and the street. In this nuanced and ground-breaking history, Donna Murch argues that the Black Panther Party (BPP) started with a study group. Drawing on oral history and untapped archival sources, she explains how a relatively small city with a recent history of African American settlement produced such compelling and influential forms of Black Power politics. During an era of expansion and political struggle in California's system of public higher education, black southern migrants formed the BPP. In the early 1960s, attending Merritt College and other public universities radicalized Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and many of the young people who joined the Panthers' rank and file. In the face of social crisis and police violence, the most disfranchised sectors of the East Bay's African American community - young, poor, and migrant - challenged the legitimacy of state authorities and of an older generation of black leadership. Excavating this hidden history, ""Living for the City"" broadens the scholarship of the Black Power movement by documenting the contributions of black students and youth who created new forms of organization, grassroots mobilization, and political literacy.

This and many other excellent books by Donna Murch are available on Amazon.

The Bell Lap
Stories for Compassionate Nursing Care
Muriel A. Murch
Not having read this book I can tell you nothing about it, however, I can say that it earns full stars from reviewers on Amazon and glowing praise:
5.0 out of 5 stars A masterful look at the world of caring
9 October 2017 - Published on
Verified Purchase
Muriel Murch has captured the essence, beauty and depth of the caregiver/care receiver experience with a mastery of words that left me in awe. After 40 plus years as a nurse, I can only say thank you for showing the world the art of this extraordinary profession. K.D. RN
Diving with Sharks
Andy Murch and Nigel Marsh
The prospect of amazing encounters with Great Whites, Tiger Sharks, Whale Sharks, Hammerheads and many other shark species mean that each year more and more divers are heading underwater to swim with these magnificent and misunderstood predators at hot-spots all over the world, from Australia, South Africa, the USA and Mexico, to Fiji, the Red Sea, the UK and the Bahamas.
This book is a complete guide for divers seeking sharks, and for everyone interested in these incredible creatures. It includes an indepth introduction followed by comprehensive coverage of all the shark families and species that could be encountered, including many of the lesser-known sharks, with details of biology, behaviour and where to find them. There is also a listing of the best shark diving hot-spots from around the world.
With more than 500 known species of sharks, and more being discovered every year, Diving With Sharks is the ultimate guide book for anyone wanting to learn more about these incredible creatures of the deep and also where to see them, up close and personal.
This book is £10.82 in paperback on Amazon.

Supporting Children when Parents Separate
Mervyn Murch
"This book contains the wisdom of a professional lifetime spent integrating mental health and judicial concerns from a leading architect of the family justice system." Christopher Clulow, PhD. Senior Fellow, the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology "Distilling a lifetime's work and reflection, this is an essential read for anyone concerned about the needs of children on family breakdown." Gillian Douglas, Executive Dean, King's College London "At a time when the mental health of our young people is of national concern... This is an essential text that should inform policy and practice both in family law and education." James Wetz, Author of 'Urban Village Schools'
About the Author
Mervyn Murch CBE is an emeritus professor at Cardiff University's School of Law and Politics. His 45 year research career has focused on the inter-disciplinary work of the family justice system and has contributed to policy and practice developments and to law reform in divorce, adoption and child protection. He was appointed a CBE in 2007 for services to the family justice system.
If only my parents had read this! Available on Amazon £33.99